Technical Due Dilligence
When offered a potential project investors need a detailed assessment of a projects quality on which to base their decision.
isee offers to undertake the technical due diligence of wind projects and considers the following stages to be necessary:
- Technical Feasibility
During the assessment it is important to keep an overview of the elements influencing the success of a project and to weigh the risks and opportunities in any given case. Consented projects will have defined many aspects of the project but the viability of it requires to be checked. Technical aspects are:
- grid connection requirements
- Building design & Electrical design
- WTG suitability
- Checking conformity of building design with local requirements
- Technical Review of Environmental Proceedings
All these topic areas are interlinked and the evaluation of the technical aspects of a project form the basis of a risk assessment that allows clients to determine how to proceed with a project.
- Optimisation of Technical Design
After a site survey the proposed technical design is reviewed and recommendations are made for its optimisation. In our experience this helps to avoid issues that could be very resource-intensive and costly to solve once construction has started.
- Review of the Wind Assessment
The wind assessment and the energy yield predictions are crucial elements in determining the worth of a wind project. isee will critically review existing assessments and highlight the weak spots and determine what impacts they could have.
- Analysis of Economic Viability
Based on an energy yield assessment and the local framework such as feed-in tariffs, off-take agreements and particular construction requirements, the economic viability of the project is assessed.
- Technical Advisor as counterpart to banks advisor
During negotiations for funding investors are always confronted with the bank’s technical advisor and his requests for further information. In our experience the communication with the technical advisor can be substantially improved and the process turned around much more rapidly if the investor has a technical counterpart to such an advisor. isee offers to take on this role.